Each year, young people are trying to decide what to do during their summer (winter here) vacations, and I remember that for me it was the same. Back in 2004, when i was only 18, I was hanging out with my neighbourhood friends and they invited me for the first time to bible camp. Like most kids, I felt nervous and anxious to know what it would be like, or what bible camp was all about. Looking back, the truth is that I experienced something other than just camp, and like many others since, we have experienced Jesus and found a relationship with Him.

Now, 13 years have passed and I feel so thankful and glad to have been a witness of the growth of God’s work through this same bible camp ministry. I hold great hope and believe that God is working daily in the lives of people through the camp ministries, and doing the slow, and unexplainable work of shaping and changing the communities in Playas, and also the local churches as they collaborate in His work.

Through camp, and the lived shared experiences at camp, lifetime friendships have formed. Many of these friendships, for me personally, have become vitally important in my own Christian walk and life.

Among these, I had the pleasure of getting to know a young man whose life reflected a love for God. One time I remember we were talking about his decision to go away to Bible College, and he was sad to leave his family and friends. But later, once he returned from his studies, he eagerly continued to serve and love God in his community of Bastion Block 10, where we later worked together in youth and children’s ministry.

Some time after that, we found ourselves, this friend and I, invited to join in the legal formation of Faro de Esperanza (as an organization)…yet another way of continuing to join in what God was doing through the bible camp ministry.

God uses us, His people, in ways that we do not perceive or understand, to accomplish His purposes: to extend the message of the Gospel and grow the communion of believers in His Kingdom.

Now, maybe you can ask yourself some questions, especially if you can relate to my experience of watching God work. When you think about camp, Who comes to mind? Who do you look forward to seeing? Who do you want to tell about what God is doing, how you have been growing in Christ?

On the one hand, we meet so many people at camp. Yet many look forward to seeing their counsellor again, or their cabinmate, or the speaker…a key friendship or person that God used in their life. Many lives have been impacted and Jesus has made Himself known at camp Faro de Esperanza.

God has prepared different paths for each one of us. One of my Camp friends, Daniel Lucas, is about to embark on his next life objective, and those of us on the leadership team have new responsibilities that God has entrusted to us.

And because camp is a Kingdom thing, great friendships are started, stretched and deepened, and last long beyond the last day of camp.

I ask for prayers for the FE leadership team, for each one of us.

How good and pleasant it is
when God’s people live together in unity! Psalm 133:1

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