A new beginning starts for a ministry that many of us carry in our hearts. From August 2018, David Dillon and Diana Lucas will take the challenge of leading the paths of Faro de Esperanza for the next four years. Both were elected by the Asamblea General as responsible for the organization and will work together with Ivan Montiel, Ministries Director, and Johanna Zambrano, Administrator, in the decision making and guidance of the organization. In addition, Ibis Espinoza will be collaborating in the Treasury and Edy Gómez in the General Secretariat at FE.

In the last year and a half, the work within Faro de Esperanza has been intense but full of satisfactions. This internal restructure, which often is not seen, was focused on making our organization more efficient, more transparent and responsible with the people who support us, those who work and pray for and with us, and those for whom we work, the children, youth and adults that are part of our ministries.

In this process, we built our Internal Regulations for Faro de Esperanza, a legal instrument that defines our processes, mechanisms and the actions of the members of Faro de Esperanza and the Board of Directors when making decisions that affect the organization. We updated roles, with their rights and responsibilities for all FE collaborators, including the President and Vice President.

In an effort to position our brand and the services we provide through Faro de Esperanza Camp to churches and ministries in Ecuador, we made the decision to redefine our visual image and brand. Thus, we went from Campamento el Faro, to recover our original name and become Faro de Esperanza, a brand that covers both our Camp located in General Villamil Playas, as well as the different ministries that we carry out from the organization.

Since January 2018, we decided it was time to make our ministries somewhat more stable and with a long term vision. That is why we appointed a Ministries Director, a responsible, capable and heartfelt person to guide the paths of what constitutes the heart of our organization, that is, the work with children, youth and adults.

From that idea, we asked Ivan Montiel to join the team under this position. We have noticed that now our ministries have a deeper reason to exist and have diversified. For example, we no longer only have the Bible Camp Ministry every year, but also the Children’s Ministry, the Youth Ministry, the Christmas Program of FE and, soon, the Ministry of Leaders.

This is a summary of everything that has been achieved as a team in recent years.

David and Diana have been part of this restructure, contributing from their experiences and knowledge ideas, programs and projects to make FE a better ministry, up to the trust that we have received from God that allows us to serve here.

May these changes, needed in life, mean the growth of trust, love, commitment that you have towards this organization.

On behalf of the Asamblea General of Faro de Esperanza, Ibis Espinoza, Edy Gómez, Ivan Montiel, Johnna Zambrano, Felipe Chilan, Carlos Ortega, Janna Wilks, Dale Horst and Daniel Lucas, we wish you blessings in your management.

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