We are very grateful for your constant prayers, this May 2018 God has provided us to continue covering the monthly expenses we have every month. Just last weekend we had a church renting our Camp, with that we covered the expenses of the Ministries and the Camp of May. Let us continue praying so that other churches can come and rent our facilities and so we have recourses to cover all the expeses we have each month.

I would like to share with you that one of the priority needs we have at Camp is to be able to renew all the mattresses in the cabins. The previous year, in the month of October 2017, we managed to buy 25 new mattresses, this year we want, Gods Will, to buy 25 new ones, since the ones we have are worn out by years of use. The cost for 25 mattresses is around USD 2 thousand dollars.

We continue to improve our finance area, this year we implemented an accounting system which allows us to see in a clearly and easily way how we are investing the resources we receive -both from offerings from abroad and resources generated by rentals and local offerings-, thanks to God Betsy, our new accountant, is working with us in this area.

Since last year and as a way to be more transparent with the recourses we received and manage, we have uploaded our annual income and expenses report to our website so that all the people interested can verify that the resources we receive and those generated by self-management are being used correctly. Remember that, our fiscal year runs from August to July of each year, that is, the income and expenses report from August 2017 to July 2018 will be available this coming August 2018.

Let us continue praying for God’s care for the Camp and the Ministries at Faro de Esperanza, may God give us wisdom in our work.

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