[:en]Doing a retrospective in this month that marks half of the year, we can not do anything but thank God for all those blessings we have received at Faro de Esperanza. These blessings come in various forms, but above all in the forms of people and of wills.
In January 2018, a group of people from some Christian communities in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, arrived to Ecuador to do some maintenance work at Campamento Faro de Esperanza. We deeply thank Dale Freeman, Claude Martin. Nathan Whatley, Harry Bauman, Gary & Tara Bott and Ken Bott (Canada) and Alex Pizarro, Jamil Delgado, Adrian Ortega, Quinde Garcia Family, Ruth Robles, Iván Montiel, Carlos & Rebeca Ortega and Johanna Zambrano (Ecuador). Thank you for your love and commitment to this ministry and care for the Camp.
Later on, since February, we received the team from Canada that joined our 2018 Bible Camp Ministry, the communities of Fall River in Halifax and Woodside in Waterloo. Thank you for coming and joining our team in the camp season here in Ecuador. Thanks also to the churches of Wallenstein Bible Chapel, ForestView Church Without Walls, Valley Bible Chapel and Terrill Road Bible Chapel, and all the individual people who, although they did not come, supported our Bible Camp Ministry and support us monthly at Faro de Esperanza.
During my visit to Canada in 2016, I had the opportunity to visit, along with Jeremy Horne, Camp Crossroads where we met and talked to its Director, Andrew Hiebert. In the month of March 2018 this event was repeated, but backwards, we received the visit of Andrew who shared with us a few days of the last week of the junior youth camp week at our Bible Camp Ministry and also had a workshop on leadership with the people that are members of the Board of Faro de Esperanza. From this visit, we continue having a conversation with Andrew and we are praying and dreaming about the possibilities of collaboration, exchange and cooperation between Camp Crossroads and Faro de Esperanza.
I could fill entire pages with names of people who are part of our organization, from Ecuador, the United States, Canada, and from other latitudes, who pray, get involved or support us in one way or another, to all of you, thank you very much.