- +593 096 029 7622
- info@farodeesperanza.com.ec
Faro de Esperanza, with ministerial agreement No. 0144 of September 11, 2009, is an evangelical, para-ecclesiastical, non-profit Christian institution legally constituted in Ecuador under the figure of Christian Center.
Faro de Esperanza aspires that every child, youth and adult of our churches, ministries and partner communities in Ecuador and abroad have the opportunity to hear the gospel, be edified, restored, challenged and served through our Ministries; and that it is empowered to do the same with others.
Faro de Esperanza is an evangelical Christian organization dedicated to promoting the evangelization, edification, restoration, challenge and service of children, youth and adults of its churches, ministries and partner communities in Ecuador and abroad through its ministries.
Through the FE Ministries we seek to love the children, adolescents, youth and families with whom we work with, which come from the partner churches, ministries and communities of Ecuador, mostly communities at social risk, and from abroad. Hence, although our focus is the spiritual development of all the people we work with and for, as far as possible we seek that their development be integral (James 2: 14-26).
The Faro de Esperanza Ministries constitute the heart and reason for being of the organization. They are developed under a clear ministerial purpose, a progressive process described in five stages: service, evangelism, restoration, edification and challenge.
We understand that our responsibility as children of God is to love others. Love does not harm our neighbor (Romans 13:10), therefore, when we serve, evangelize, edify, restore and challenge, we are loving our neighbor, and if we love our neighbor then we are loving God (1 John 4:20).
We are here to provide a suitable and secluded place for the development of programs in which fun, communion and the strengthening of the Church converge.
Camp Faro de Esperanza is a physical space that is located on the Pacific coast, in the city of General Villamil Playas, Guayas, in Ecuador.
To become a place that provides security and comfort for the development of activities for the benefit of the Church.